To help enrol your child with Laidley SHS, we have outlined the application process below.
Step 1 - Enrolment Application
To kickstart your child's educational journey with Laidley SHS, download (& complete) the Enrolment Application Form. If you're requesting enrolment for multiple children, you will need to complete separate applications for each student.
Before you begin your application, gather the necessary supporting documents outlined below - you'll need them to finalise your request.
- Birth certificate for your student/s
- Previous school’s information and current report card
For in catchment enrolments you will also need to provide evidence of residential address including:
- one Primary source (a current lease agreement, drivers licence or unconditional sale agreement) AND
- one Secondary source (a utility bill e.g. electricity, gas etc. or rates notice showing the same address and parent/legal guardian name)
Senior students (Years 11 & 12) will also need to supply a Student Education and Training (SET) Plan. If you do not have one it can be completed at the interview.
If you have any questions regarding the Enrolment process, please do not hestiate to contact our friendly Enrolment Officer, on (07) 5466 8922 or via enrolments@laidleyshs.eq.edu.au.
Step 2 - Read Materials Provided
Find out more about our school, including our curriculum, by reading the materials provided.
Step 3 - Interview
Once your enrolment has been accepted, our Enrolment Officer will make contact to arrange and interview with your family and one of our Deputy Principal's.
Students who live outside of our school catchment zone are required to submit an Enrolment Application and wait for the Principal to determine whether the school has capacity to accept the enrolment.
Step 4 - Purchase Uniforms
Laidley State High School students are expected to adhere to our
Student Dress Code Policy. You can submit a uniform order for your child by using the
uniform order form locate under the
Uniform Shop. Families are also welcome to visit our school uniform shop during opening hours to try on uniforms before purchasing them.
Special unifrom purchasing arrangements are communicated to parents of Year 6 students, commencing Year 7 the following year.
Step 5 - Purchase School Stationery
Please download the
stationery lists for your child's year level and purchase the necessary items prior to your child commencing school.
Step 6 - Commence School
It is anticipated that students will commence school as soon as possible following the enrolment interview with all required school materials and in full school uniform.
Please discuss any issues regarding this requirement during the enrolment interview.