The school provides general information about Laidley State High School Bus Routes 866KB.pdf to assist parents and caregivers. Contact can be made with these bus companies for further information regarding bus routes, designated bus stops and information about the School Transport Assistance Scheme.
Bus companies and their drivers can also assist with the relevant forms to apply for free or subsidised transport. The following school bus companies transport students to and from our school:
Zischke's Bus Service |
Phone: 5465 6519 |
Gatton Bus Service |
Phone: 5462 1088 |
Bus Queensland Lockyer Valley |
Phone: 5465 1797 |
Further information about school bus transport can also be found on the Department of Transport and Main Roads School Transport website.
Students are required to abide by Queensland Transport’s Code of Conduct for School Students Travelling on Buses. Inappropriate behaviour on the school bus may result in consequences from both the school and the relevant bus company. This may include suspension from travelling on the bus for a period of time.