On this page, you will find all the information about connecting your device to the Laidley SHS wireless network (BYOX), installing/activating Microsoft Office, installing/activating Adobe software, using Teams for a meeting with your Teacher etc.
Initial videos will be available by Monday 24th January, and additional videos will be progressively uploaded in the following week or two.
On-boarding/Connecting Guides
(These guides show how to link your device to the school network, such
that when you are at school, you can utilise the wireless network/school
Connecting Your Windows 10 Laptop
| Watch Video On YouTube | Note: If you are hiring a laptop from the school, this video does not apply to you.
Connecting Your Windows 11 Laptop
| Watch Video On YouTube | Note: If you are hiring a laptop from the school, this video does not apply to you. |
Installing/Activating Microsoft Office
MacBook - Installing/Activating Microsoft Office
| Watch Video On YouTube
| Note: If you are hiring a laptop from the school, this video does not apply to you. |
Windows 10 - Installing/Activating Microsoft Office
| Watch Video On YouTube | Note: If you are hiring a laptop from the school, this video does not apply to you. |
Windows 11 - Installing/Activating Microsoft Office
| Watch Video On YouTube
| Note: If you are hiring a laptop from the school, this video does not apply to you. |
Accessing Email, Stile and OneSchool